Luke Minton | Sales Manager

“When the pressure is on, you don’t rise to the occasion — you fall to your highest level of preparation.”

– Chris Voss

Moving from a small town near San Jose, California to just outside Boise, Idaho, Luke has been in sales for 9+ years, leading teams with rapid growth and innovative products. Outside of work hours, Luke practices staying in the moment with his wonderful daughter and wife as they navigate the controlled chaos that is life.

Best Part of Bluetent: Our team is so committed to seeing success in our client’s projects; it’s fantastic.


Pursuits: Reading, perfecting recipes in the kitchen like bread baking and ravioli from scratch, running, but mostly David Lynch films and wine.


Alternate Dream Job: Gameshow host, as I’ve been known to throw random companywide trivia nights


Inspired By: Family — I was lucky enough to have the best circle around me and each day those people amaze me. Also, coffee.