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Design with Purpose, Tell Your Story & More
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Bluetent: Inside the Tent -  Brand News & Culture
Practicing what we preach with consistency and such, it's time for another Inside the Tent. This month goes to the creative team as we feature our take on design fundamentals to highlighting a raft guide turned content producer and dreaming as you read this, golf pro. We are also throwing in a better late than never calendar backdrop of the soon to be changing colors at the Maroon Bells.
Think Like an Agency
Good Design is Good Business
Tom Kenyon and Maria Beam from Bluetent's creative corner traveled to the heart of Boston to copresent a session at Design4Drupal. As you can imagine the session was about design and Drupal. We'll get into the design part by sharing slides and thoughts from the presentation, and hopefully give you insight on how we design here at Bluetent.
 View the Presentation
Team Shout-out: Roy Coats
Roy Coats
Roy never runs out of stories about his days spent as a college football player, snowboard instructor, raft guide, football coach and art director. He crafts stories for clients that create positive emotional connections with their customers. Social media, blogs and email allow customers to share these stories and connect on a personal level. Read more about this modern day renaissance man.
 Meet Roy
Crisp September Calendar
September Calendar
September welcomes fall in the mountains, and we share the color explosion with our free desktop calendar - so download the size that fits best, and enjoy.
 Style My Desktop

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Carbondale, CO 81623

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