Eric Taylor | Director of Email Marketing

“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.”
-John Muir

Eric has been a member of Bluetent Email Department since 2008. Originally from Ohio, Eric moved west to be a ski bum for a winter and never returned. Eric loves all things Email Marketing and has yet to meet an email campaign he couldn’t optimize. Looking to get on his geeky side? Just mention terms like segmenting, deliverability and ROI. When not imitating T.J. Burke on the slopes, Eric can be found hiking, running, looking for the next great concert to attend, home brewing and taking pictures with his Holga.


Best Part of Bluetent: Working in a laid back environment with a dedicated and talented crew who play as hard as they work… and the beer fridge isn’t too shabby!

Pursuits: Skiing, Trail Running & Cleveland Sports

Alternate Dream Job: Ski & Beer Tester

Inspired By: Mother Nature