Michael Blackmon | Web Developer
“Doubly happy, however, is the man to whom lofty mountain tops are within reach.”
p: 970.454.6130
e: michael@bluetent.com
Michael learned to code and climb in Austin, Texas, where he graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. Early days of family vacations in the mountains and a fateful visit to Rifle Mountain Park planted the seeds for a love of the mountains that would grow to become irresistible. In the summer of 2005, Michael found the missing piece of his puzzle at Bluetent, where he has continued to grow and take on new challenges in his professional and personal life. When he isn’t busy building web sites you’re almost sure to find him testing his physical and mental limits at his favorite crags or “recovering” on a sunny patio with a cold, refreshing and ridiculously hoppy beverage.
Best Part of Bluetent: An endless diversity of fresh challenges and receptivity to new approaches.
Pursuits: Rock Climbing, Travel, Science Fiction
Alternate Dream Job: Travel and Adventure Writer
Inspired By: Creativity, Compassion, Freedom
A.K.A: Pookie