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RezFusion Scope


Global elements are applied across the site regardless of content type.


Branding Meeting – Client will have one branding meeting in order to determine global styles for the site including typography, fonts, and and minor layout elements.


Upon completion of branding meeting Bluetent will provide design comps for homepage and listings page. Minor feedback and changes are considered within scope. Major feedback or need to do another round of design comps will require additional budget.



Configurable Slideshow – Client will have ability to upload images and choose order of slides.


One Time Configuration of Home Page Search Widget – Arrival, Departure, Bedrooms, Baths, Popular search (based on amenities), Search by name.


Featured Properties Slider – Client will have option to choose which properties to feature or to hide this block.


One time configuration for Blog, Events, and Things To Do display. During development of site client will have ability to opt out of showing any combination of Blog, Events, and Things To Do.


Common Footer Elements
Common footer elements that are available for editing by the client include:
Name / Address / Contact fields, Social Media Links, Search Property by Name field


Property Management System (PMS) Integration – Bluetent will integrate with allowed property management systems and will pull in all data that is activated to feed to Bluetent. Data will be displayed on website as it is written in the PMS. Changing the copy of that data will require additional scope.




Advanced Search Widget – One time configuration based on, Arrival Date, Departure, Min/Max Beds, Occupancy, Min/Max Bath. Ability to add searchable amenities.


Display of teasers – Option to display vacation rental listings as list view and map view. One time configuration to setup teaser fields such as beds, baths, description, and marketing headlines.


Ability to favorite teasers via “heart” toggle.



Tab Layout – Option to have Description, Amenities, Availability, Location tabs, which will be set up by Bluetent to integrate with what’s coming in through your property management software.


Details Page Slideshow – Basic setup will also include a slideshow of images coming in through your property management software.


Client will have option to override Description, Amenities, Location and the Slideshow with local content.


Adding “reviews” may be included in scope depending on what review provider you use.


Featured Amenities – You’ll have the option to choose as many featured amenities as you would like to be featured on right side of page besides slideshow.


On the Vacation Rentals page users will also be able to add properties to favorites, share the property with a friend, inquire, or print the page.



Basic Page – Users will have ability to add basic pages with the following fields. Banner image, title, and body. Bluetent will theme basic pages with the same styles across all basic pages. Any customizations outside of that would require additional scope. Basic pages will also have a quick search.


Things To Do – For this content type users will have a Things To Do landing page and individual Things To Do details pages. On the landing page teasers will have Title, Phone Number, Website Link, and Description.


On Things To Do details page users will have a map and/or banner field, a title and description field. Users will also be able to create Things To Do categories.


Events – For this content type users will have a landing page and individual events details pages. On the landing page teasers will have Title, Date and Time, Website Link, and Description. This page will also include categories on the right as well as upcoming events.

On Events details page users will have a Map and/or Banner field, a Title and Description field.


Blog – The blog landing page has, Title, Date of Post, and Description fields. One the details page users will have Title and Description field.


Blog will also have option for user configurable categories.


Grid Style Links – Another feature of RezFusion is option to have style grid style links, or “snippets” that display as clickable images on basic pages. Fields client will have when creating one of these links are, Link Name, Link Url, and Image Field. Any other fields such as description would require additional scope.


Affiliate – The final content type included in RezFusion is the affiliate content type where users get ability to add images and links to their partners. Affiliate content type will include an Image and URL field. Bluetent will configure location of Affiliate block in footer.



Favorites Page – This page will include sharing functionality as well as the quick search from the home page. There will also be an option to view favorites in a map view. Any other views or layouts would require additional scope.


Menus – Client will have access to edit menus for social media icons, quick links, event categories, blog categories, things to do categories, and the main menu.


Content Training – Rezfusion Includes one, hour and a half content training session. Additional sessions could require additional scope.


Weekly Strategy Meetings – Your project manager will set up strategy meetings for weekly checkins.


Domain Name Configuration – Bluetent will configure Domain Name Settings (DNS) so that Rezfusion is available on a primary domain name.

SSL Certificate – Two years included.