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New Site: Mayacama

By August 24, 2012April 3rd, 2014Websites

We are pleased to announce the launch of the newly redesigned and redeveloped Mayacama website! We worked closely with the team at Timbers Resorts, Compass Marketing and Mayacama to produce the site in under four weeks!

Mayacama is a Drupal website that includes extensive content, professional photography, and a beautiful design. Content highlights include vintnersappellationsmaps and wine region activities. Key features of the site include an interactive calendarphoto galleries, and video galleries.

Lead generation and campaign tracking are crucial to the functionality of the site, thus we integrated it with Google Analytics, 3rd party call tracking, and the contact forms on the site pass custom campaign tracking data through to CRM systems. Furthermore, the site was designed so the Mayacama team could add custom calls-to-action (CTA) on the fly to further generate leads. The team can add a CTA to any page on the site with a customizable link and customizable text in the CTA button. The CTAs automatically create a button that is styled consistently with the CTAs throughout the site. For example, the following is a custom CTA: “Explore the Guest Visit Program>>Schedule a Visit.”

The Mayacama & Timbers Resorts teams did an excellent job on their content, especially on such a quick timeline. Timbers Resorts is one of our long-standing partners, and we’re always looking forward to the next exciting project to partner in!

Contact us to learn more about how we can assist with your real estate marketing efforts.