How a powerful digital ad strategy can help you compete with OTAs

By September 11, 2019 September 26th, 2019 Strategy

It’s likely that larger companies and OTAs have more money and resources to get to the top of Google than your vacation rental business does. But size isn’t everything: your digital advertising plan can be successful even if your team is smaller or budget more modest.

The difference between what Bluetent can offer your business and how bigger companies operate their advertising spend is all about data and targeting. Bigger companies often have larger budgets, allowing them to cast a wider net with their digital advertising. A wider net can lead to ads that are less specific and less targeted because they can afford to market to a broader audience. That’s where the Bluetent difference comes in.

While your ads might not appear in front of everyone as often as OTA ads, Bluetent’s ability to leverage your data to aid Google’s machine learning and create “intent signals” (the actions people take online that give clues about their interests and needs) lets us target customers that matter: the ones most likely to book on your website. You know your market and so do our experts.


Our digital advertising team creates a customer persona that works in conjunction with keywords that are highly relevant to a VRM’s properties and destination, whether it be pet-friendly condos in Destin or lakeside cabins in Tahoe. Together, we create custom marketing strategies that drive more bookings and put your properties where travelers are searching.


How do we do this? Bluetent utilizes historical data and leverages Google artificial intelligence to target potential travelers with personable and effective ads. We don’t use your advertising spend on broad and irrelevant search queries that don’t drive bookings. Every click costs money. So we work to optimize your ROI by targeting keywords that will resonate with your potential guests.


When you invest in a digital advertising strategy with Blutent, you gain a far more personalized game plan for your business. Our experts are constantly working to be on top of industry trends to use your data to drive more bookings.  We know your competitive landscape is constantly changing. Bluetent’s approach — to be very targeted and keep cost-per-click low but competitive for your market — is a strategy designed for success.

Bluetent’s marketing experts become an extension of your team, working with you to develop dynamic content and strategy.