On the Bluetent Email Team, we’re big fans of targeted email campaigns. A targeted email to a qualified list provides amazing engagement and a healthy ROI. We’re always looking for new and exciting ways to help our clients make the most out of email marketing, which led us to develop our latest email feature. We’re proud to announce: the Shopping Cart Abandonment Email.
How Much Revenue Is Sitting in Your Potential Customers Abandoned Carts?
According to the Baynard Institute, 68% online shopping carts are abandoned. Let’s do some quick math. What is the average stay value you receive from your guests? Now multiply that number by 68 and cringe. Transactional emails like a Shopping Cart Abandonment Email also perform better than your average bulk email generating 80% more opens and clicks and see up to 60% more revenue.
How Does it Work?

Here’s a quick rundown. A potential guest finds a property with availability and adds it to their cart. For whatever reason they drop off your site… maybe they opened on the mobile device and meant to follow-up at a later time on their desktop, or perhaps they wanted to see what the final cost would come to. After they leave your property in their cart, your potential guest’s information is pushed to our email platform. Up to 24 hours after the abandonment, while the property is still fresh on the customer’s mind, they’re sent an “Oops, You Forgot Something” email. The email contains their property name, requested dates, a beautiful picture of their potential vacation destination, and call to action back to the property with their requested dates pre-filled for them.
Sounds great! What next?
As of right now the Shopping Cart Abandonment Email feature can be added to any Bluetent RezFusion website. Early adopters of our new offering are reaping the rewards by gaining an additional 8% in Email Marketing revenue each month. If you’re interested in more details about our Shopping Cart Abandonment Email or need some more ideas for revenue producing automated emails (we’re full of them!), contact the Email Department!