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5 Minute Social – Facebook Ads Image Sizes, Embeddable Everything and some interesting statistics (ahem)

By September 27, 2013April 2nd, 2014

This edition’s top news concerns everyone advertising on Facebook. That one is important!

Larger Picture Sizes in Facebook Ads

FB Dashboard Likes AdIf you have been advertising on Facebook for a while, it will be standard procedure for you to create tiny ad images sized at 100×72 pixels. Now, Facebook changed their ad image sizes tremendously and magnifying glasses are not required anymore. The new recommended upload size, for your image to render best in all ad placements is 1200x450px. Only if you supply Facebook with a large enough picture, will you be able to make use of the new displays. Take a look at the example ad to the right. It is already 25% size reduced. You don’t want to miss out on desktop news feed ads like this. Time to re-familiarize yourself with Facebook’s Ads Product Guide. – Have you experimented with the new ad image sizes already? Let us know about your experience in the comments below!

Inspiration for Facebook Timeline Contests

In the last 5 Minute Social, I told you about Facebook’s new loosened rules for timeline contests. It sounds all great in theory but I promise that you will LOVE this update once you read over this list of 30 ideas for Facebook Timeline Contests.

Embeddable G+ posts

This is another one in our series: “Everything you can do, I can do … too.” After embeddable tweets, Pinterest pictures and Facebook updates, you can now present your Google+ posts elegantly embedded on your website. The question isn’t any longer: which social channel allows embeddable posts, hashtags, mentions … It is now: Which one doesn’t?

Fish saying oopsFacebook … ahem … profanity

Okay, this one is really not for people with taste. I started reading the linked article completely by accident. Who in his right mind would want to know the most popular curse words on Facebook and read over scientific swearword statistics on region and gender differences?

Okay … I did … and it made me laugh so hard … That’s why I am sharing it with you, even though it is tasteless. Please don’t let anyone know!