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5 Minute Social – FB Gift Card, Twitter Vine & Latest Trends

By February 8, 2013April 2nd, 2014

If you want to keep up with the ever-changing social media landscape but you don’t have the time to browse through twenty-some blog posts per day, then 5 Minute Social is just the thing for you. This compilation of Social Media news is meant to give you an overview over the most relevant developments in only minutes. This is our first edition of the report with more to come on a regular basis.

Facebook Introduces Gift Card

Gradually rolling out in the US: the function to purchase and send gift cards on Facebook. So far, this is limited to gift cards from only four companies (Target, Sephora, Olive Garden, Jamba Juice.) Should Facebook expand this function to a broader list of companies though, it could turn out to be a great source of revenue for early adopters. We will definitely keep an eye on the developments.

Twitter’s Vine App

Twitter introduced a new app for the iPhone a couple weeks ago. Vine allows users to create short 6-second video loops and to share these to Twitter. Tom and I tested the free app and both agree: It is really super easy to use and a lot of fun. Meanwhile the first brands started to adopt the tool to promote their products and showcase their creative, social side. Here is an article showcasing good examples for companies’ use of the Vine app.

Foursquare Launches Management App

If your business is using Foursquare, this will be good news for you. The company just launched an app that makes it possible for you to stay in touch with your costumers, update your page and manage your specials from your iPhone or Android. Check out Foursquare’s new management app.

If you’re not on Foursquare yet, you can sign up your business here. Please feel free to contact Blue Tent, if you have questions about Foursquare or wonder if it would be useful for your company to create a presence.

Interesting Social Trends

I recommend this article to you, if you want an overview on current numbers and trends in social media. Some highlights that are covered include:

  • 58 million Americans use social sites daily
  • Twitter is still attracting many new users and experiences increased engagement
  • More and more people like to follow brands on social media platforms
  • Facebook is still number 1 platform for brand engagement

Read the full assembly of current social trends.

That’s it for the moment. We will keep you posted on everything you should know in Social Media on a regular basis. Please like Blue Tent on Facebook or sign up for our eBulletin if you don’t want to miss out on the future blog posts.