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Team Shout-out for November: Sam Campise!

By November 19, 2013May 12th, 2014Strategy

Our one and only Director of Sales – Sam Campise, let’s us in on the details of his adventurous life outside of Blue Tent.

BTM: What’s the last website you visited? (eating lunch)

BTM: Where did you spend your last vacation?82a96bee329e11e3a7d422000a9e0846_7

On a bike ride with my big brother up and down the Mississippi on some custom street bikes. Well, his was custom, I rented a street glide.

BTM: Publications or blogs you read on a daily basis.

Outside Magazine and Seth Godin Blog

BTM: Items on your Bucket List.

1. Ride across the country on a bike with a tent and sleeping bag.
2. Fly Fishing for bonefish in the Caribbean

BTM: Books on your nightstand.

Outside Magazine…

BTM: Favorite documentary.

The Godfather Family

BTM: One lesson from childhood you still live by today.

Be honest and loyal.

BTM: You would never leave home without…


BTM: What’s for dinner tonight?

Whole Foods snacks and probably whatever the kids don’t eat, which could consist of Chicken nuggets, mac n cheese, green beans, ravioli, carrots, avocado, pizza pockets, the list goes on….

BTM: One sport you wish you had time for.


BTM: A secret clients should know about you.  True or False.

I am a sucker for clients schwag. I wear holes in my Midgett Realty hoodie.

BTM: Day to day routine at Blue Tent.

Make the President of Blue Tent a happy man. The End.

BTM: Favorite aspect of your role.

Creating relationships.

BTM: One vice.

Apple Walnut Cobbler heated with ice cream

BTM: Favorite libation.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

BTM: How do you use flex time?

I flew out to Maine a couple of months back to hang with my mom while she and my stepfather were traveling in their RV for 3 months. We fished, kayaked, drank some PB’ahs, and I setup my office outside on a camping table with a internet air card.

BTM: If you could work remotely from anywhere, where would it be?


BTM: Favorite way to unwind.

Fish or mountain bike.

BTM: If you could meet one person past, present, future, who would it be?

Dalai Lama

BTM: Favorite place in the world.

With my 2 little girls.

BTM: Three words coworkers would use to describe you.

Bald, goofy, persistent
