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5 Minute Social – An easy way to add branded YouTube intros to your entire channel and more news from Twitter & Facebook

By May 16, 2014September 22nd, 2014
A wooden sign reading Gone Viral

Welcome to a new edition of 5 Minute Social. Here are our finds of the latest, greatest and most useful in social media from the past few weeks. Featured in this edition: Two must-know updates from Twitter, a very handy innovation on YouTube, and a couple Do’s and Don’t’s from Facebook.

New Twitter Profile Layouts

Twitter rolled out a new design for all profiles. The main feature of the updated layout is a large hero image. If you haven’t done it yet, spend a few minutes uploading new images to your account. Here are the new sizes: 1500 px x 500 px for the hero image and 400 px x 400 px for the profile image or logo.

Bluetent's new Twitter profile

Our current Twitter hero image features Bluetent’s Colorado version of the Twitter bird.

Twitter Website Cards

The second innovation from Twitter is a new ad type called “website cards.” Take a closer look at the image below. What does the ad on the left remind you of? Exactly! It looks just like the current Facebook page post ads with the call to action button. It will be interesting to see if website cards will be as successful!

Comparison of Facebook and Twitter ads

Don’t these ads look similar? On the Facebook ad to the right we’re currently seeing a fan click through rate of 15%!

YouTube Channel Intro Videos

Do you have a company YouTube channel (or plan on having one?) Consistent video intros are very important for brand recognition. Now, YouTube made it possible for you to add one default intro to all your channel’s videos. You only have to set it up once! Learn the quick and easy 3 step process here.

Add a branded video on YouTube

Facebook Cleans Up Timeline Spam

Like if you love chocolate, share if you crave vanilla … Engagement driving timeline posts like these were popular among many company Facebook channels. But who really enjoy sanswering useless questions like these? Facebook found out: Nobody. That’s why Facebook announced to beat down on all like-baiting posts and will reduce their exposure (and ultimately the reach of the entire page) of these types of posts. Don’t get this update wrong: Facebook wants pages to genuinely encourage discussion. Permanently asking for likes and shares is not part of this ideal though.

A fishing lure with Facebook Likes

Facebook “Oscars” – the 2014 Studio Awards

Here is a suggestion for some lunch break info-tainment for you: Facebook announced the winners of the 2014 Studio Awards. These awards feature the world-wide best social initiatives involving Facebook. All winning projects are featured in short and entertaining 3-4 minute video clips. Watch just a few – I promise you will get hooked and keep clicking on the others as well. Many of these ideas are surely worth their gold, silver, and blue!

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