turning your vacationers into influencers for your brand Strategy

Payments by Booking.com – Free through 2024!

If you distribute your properties to Booking.com and are not currently utilizing Payments by Booking.com, here are a few benefits you may want to consider: A sample group who joined Payments by Booking.com saw on average a decrease in cancellations…
February 28, 2024

Refresh your Listings!

Listing Refresh! The start of a new year is the perfect time to review and refesh your listings to make sure they're up to date and ready to attract travelers! Make sure you have new photos to show off any…
January 8, 2024
airbnb listings rules Distribution

Airbnb Content Rules

Our RezFusion Boost team wants to make you aware of some rules that Airbnb has set that can affect your listings. Airbnb has begun strict enforcement of its rules for listing content. Not adhering to the rules does not necessarily…
March 17, 2023

Airbnb’s Special Offers Feature

Adding the Special Offers Feature to your Airbnb listings!   We often get questions about Airbnb’s “Special Offers” feature.   Special offers can be a terrific way to drive faster bookings. This feature can also suggest trip details that are more…
February 14, 2023

Tips for great listings on VRBO

Listing tips from VRBO  Listing your vacation rental on VRBO can be highly beneficial if done correctly. With the right strategies and tips, you can maximize your ROI, increase bookings and improve performance. This article will discuss some of the…
January 17, 2023
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